walk the moon jenny
I said Jenny shouldn't we, Jenny shouldn't we be getting together Gegründet wurde die Band 2008 von Leadsänger Nicholas Petricca, wobei die heutige Besetzung erst seit 2010 besteht.
But I'm taking my time, I'm taking my time
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Questo brano è presente nei seguenti 2 album:
And visions, ambitions to be the best .
You got curves like the ocean, gonna take it in slow motion
But I'm taking my time, I'm taking my time
Künstler/in: Walk the Moon; Album: Walk The Moon; Übersetzungen: Französisch, Spanisch Englisch A A. Jenny You got curves like the ocean, gonna take it in slow motion.
J-J-J-Jenny's got a body just like an hourglass
But I'm taking my time, I'm taking my time Gegründet wurde die Band 2008 von Leadsänger Nicholas Petricca, wobei die heutige Besetzung erst seit 2010 besteht.
Take it slow, oh, oh, gonna make it last.
Walk the Moon ist eine US-amerikanische Pop/Indierock-Band aus Cincinnati, Ohio.
I said I'm not gonna take it from you, I'll let you give it to me
Lyrics Around! I've been dreaming that we could, dreaming that we could be sticking together
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Okyanus gibi eğrileri var.
It's a bummer that things go so fast Walk the Moon - Jenny.
Jenny's got a body, yeah
Got emotions that'll make it last.
Got emotions thatll make it last. You got curves like the ocean, gonna take it in slow motion / Got emotions that'll make it last 5
14,044 views, added to favorites 882 times.
Der Bandname entstand in Anlehnung an den Titel Walking on the Moon von The Police.
Oh and Jenny why don't we, Jenny why don't we be getting together
I wanna be the sand inside that hourglass
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