world cup 2006 groups
{WinTeamName} gewinnt dank der Auswärtstorregel nach Verlängerung
No player managed to score a hat-trick in this tournament. In 1950, there was no final; the article is about the decisive match of the final group stage.
Angola and Iran failed to advance.
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
{WinTeamName} gewinnt dank der Auswärtstorregel nach regulärer Spielzeit
(Ausw.torr.) 14
{WinTeamName} win on away goal after extra time
{WinTeamName} gewinnt nach Elfmeterschießen ({ScorePenH} - {ScorePenA})
(Ausw.torr.) 11
{WinTeamCountryCode} Gesamts.
{WinTeamName} win on away goal after extra time
Play in Group G of the 2006 FIFA World Cup began on 13 June and completed on 23 June 2006.
Pos Team.
For the first time ever in the FIFA World Cup, the first and last goals of the tournament were scored by defenders.
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach Verlängerung ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach Verlängerung ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamCountryCode} Gesamts. Thursday
Brazil won the group, and advanced to the second round, along with Australia receiving runner-up in the group.
On the very day of the vote, a hoax bribery affair was made public, leading to calls for a re-vote.More irregularities surfaced soon after, including, in the months leading up to the decision, the sudden interest of German politicians and major businesses in the four Asian countries whose delegates were decisive for the vote.198 teams attempted to qualify for the 2006 World Cup.Eight nations qualified for the finals for the first time: For the first time since the 1982 World Cup, all six confederations were represented at the finals tournament.
FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft Deutschland 2006 ™ - Gruppen 19
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals
(Ausw.torr.) {WinTeamName} win on aggregate after regular time ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
Pot D contained unseeded teams from the CONCACAFregion and Asia. Donnerstag
{WinTeamName} gewinnt nach Verlängerung
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach regulärer Spielzeit ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} gewinnt dank der Auswärtstorregel nach Verlängerung
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
{WinTeamName} win on away goal after regular time
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach regulärer Spielzeit ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
The final attracted an estimated audience of 715.1 million people.The vote to choose the hosts of the 2006 tournament was held in July 2000 in Accusations of bribery and corruption had marred the success of Germany's bid from the very beginning.
{WinTeamName} win on penalties ({ScorePenH} - {ScorePenA})
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
"2006 World Cup" redirects here.
{WinTeamName} win on aggregate after regular time ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
Euro 2008 Groups.
The World Cup draw took place in Leipzig, Germany, on December 9. 12
n. V.
Portugal win on penalties (1 - 3)
n. V. {WinTeamName} gewinnt nach Elfmeterschießen ({ScorePenH} - {ScorePenA})
{WinTeamName} win on aggregate after regular time ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach Verlängerung ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} gewinnt in der Addition nach regulärer Spielzeit ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} gewinnt nach Elfmeterschießen ({ScorePenH} - {ScorePenA})
{WinTeamName} win on aggregate after regular time ({ScoreAggH} - {ScoreAggA})
{WinTeamName} win on away goal after extra time
For the video game, see Notes: There was no qualification for the 1930 World Cup as places were given by invitation only. {WinTeamCountryCode} Gesamts. Juni
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals
n. V.
{WinTeamCountryCode} win on away goals AET
{WinTeamName} gewinnt nach Verlängerung
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