la french connection film
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May 20, 2016 Kultfilme, Autorenfilme, Stummfilme – Entdecken Sie die Vielfalt des ARTE-Filmangebots. | 82 min . Nun kehrt der selbst in Marseille aufgewachsene Regisseur Cédric Jimenez mit seinem spannenden Crime-Drama „Der Unbestechliche“ (Originaltitel: „La French“) in jene Zeit zurück und präsentiert gewissermaßen die französische Seite der Ereignisse aus „The French Connection“. LA FRENCH / THE CONNECTION, 2014., Francuska, Belgija, 135 min.
Schon bald muss er jedoch feststellen, dass ihm Steine in den Weg gelegt werden und Tany … View All Photos (26)
Mystery & Suspense Der Unbestechliche ein Film von Cédric Jimenez mit Jean Dujardin, Gilles Lellouche. Für mich war es ein rundum gutes ... Just confirm how you got your ticket.Fandango Aber immer wieder sind die Verbrecher den Ermittlern einen Schritt voraus, auch wenn die Bestechungen nicht immer den gewünschten Erfolg zeigen. (C) Drafthouse 81 min. | Rating: 4/5 June 5, 2015
Von We see the tale unfolding before our eyes from the beginning.
1. La French (The Connection) soundtrack from 2015, composed by Various Artists, Guillaume Roussel.
Oldschool-Thriller! The movie's strength is in its conception of Michel and Zampa, who develop a destructive rivalry, rooted in their mutual determination to prove their superiority. Cineuropa - the best of european cinema. Von We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal Style and star power make for a fine example of a crime thriller that fits in nicely within the crowd, even if fails to stand out from it.
No film on the French Connection would be complete without a car chase; this one is not what you'd expect. No film on the French Connection would be complete without a car chase; this one is not what you'd expect. 7. It starts with gunshots - a Mercedes and its driver are riddled by motorcycle-riding assassins in broad daylight - and the pace of "The Connection" is bang-bang brisk most of the rest of the way.
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It's a fast-paced story, confidently told.
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Cinemark The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive reviewThe percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. Paula Beer, Franz Rogowski, Maryam Zaree
It's familiar. The production is perfectly styled for 1970s Marseille, and the bright, white Mediterranean light and sweeping coastal vistas are superb.
With Jean Dujardin, Gilles Lellouche, Céline Sallette, Mélanie Doutey.
August 4, 2016 | 0; 1; 2 "Die Mörder sind unter uns" von Wolgang Staudte - Nachkriegsdrama mit Hildegard Knef.
It's a stylish affair, very solidly made if not exactly breaking new ground in our understanding of events or in the way the movies depict them.
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