
studio harry potter oxford


Wednesday: 08.00am Helpful 0 people found this helpful. Which company provides Warner Bros. Entrée: 1£.La bibliothèque qui a servi de décor à la bibliothèque de Poudlard se visite uniquement avec un guide, à cause des ouvrages précieux qu’elle contient. Sunday: 10:00am229 Great Portland St, Marylebone, London W1W 5PN, UKAll sales are final and incur 100% cancellation penalties.Unfortunately due to the COVID19 travel ban, we were not able to make it to this trip. The full-day trip includes admission to the studio tour and a professional guided walk in Oxford. After a truly magical day, its time to board your coach and head back to London, dropping off at your original pick up point. After a fantastic guided tour and free time in Oxford, it's approximately an hour’s drive to the Warner Bros.

Studio Tour – The Making of Harry Potter– The Great Hall, one of Hogwarts Castle’s most recognizable locations– The Weasley kitchen, including the magical self washing frying pan and unique Weasley family clock– The Ministry of Magic, the wizarding world’s centre of government in Britain– The backlot, home to exterior sets including Privet Drive and Hogwarts Bridge– Creature effects, where creatures and intricate prosthetics were built, including Lord Voldemort’s snake like face!– Hogwarts Castle model , the jewel in the crown of the art department! Good. It is something you have to see in person.The whole process, from booking to going on the tour was very straightforward and convenient. Harry potter, Oxford, Anglia Public Domain. Thank you for making it a memorable visit for our family.Sign up for our newsletter and discover travel experiences you’ll really want to try.Join this fantastic full day excursion from London which combines a trip to the magical Warner Bros Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter with a trip to the historic city of Oxford. Highly recommended. Explore the interior train carriage set that was featured during filming and take a selfie with a luggage trolley as it disappears through the station's brick wall! Their custoOur April trip to London was cancelled this year but we will be rescheduling! Son architecture gothique anglaise nous fait directement penser à Poudlard. Enjoy a guided walking tour that takes you past famous college buildings, cloisters and quadrangles and cobblestone squares, standing in the the shadows of the famous 'dreaming spires'.

This day trip includes the Warner Bros.
The tour was amazing, Oxford trip with Harry Potter studio visit is a unique experience all together. Vérifiez votre boîte de réception ;) © Au goût d'Emma - 2012-2020 - Tous droits réservésNous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web.

Thursday & Friday - we will contact you in advance, as these dates are subject to change. En plus Katie notre gu … Plus. Since this is a Harry Potter tour, I recommend paying the ticket price for Christ Church, while a bit on the expensive side, you will see the stairs leading into Hogwarts and the great hall.

By signing up, you agree to receive promotional emails. It is a pity that the time in Oxford was a bit shorter, but it only means maybe we should return :)Got to Oxford first. Nous étions six personnes dans un taxi. We have opt to cancel our service and received our refund onI have nothing but good things to say about this company. Plusieurs parties ont été utilisées lors du tournage d’Harry Potter… New for 2019: visitors can now enter Gringotts Wizarding Bank on Diagon Alley!

Excellent. Nous n’avon … Plus.

Faisant suite aux dernières mesures annoncées par les autorités, ainsi que pour préserver le bien-être de nos visiteurs et empêcher la propagation du virus COVID-19, le Studio Tour a fermé ses portes jusqu'à nouvel ordre le lundi 16 mars à 20h (heure anglaise). Nous avons logé au Donc il est possible de faire des excursions à partir de Londres :) cool !

Our guide, Andrew, was absolutely fabulous, well-informed on everything we were seeing and doing, and our driver,We were so disappointed that our trip to London was canceled due to COVID-19.

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