star butterfly wiki
Star Butterfly is the main protagonist of the Disney XD animated series, Star vs. the Forces of Evil. She has rather simplistic views on concepts such as leadership and responsibility, believing that prioritizing fun above all else matters the most. She is a teenage princess of the Kingdom of Mewni from another dimension sent to Earth by her royal parents after an altercation with a couple of monsters. While rarely ever angry, she does express annoyance to people who don't take her seriously or give her the attention she wants. She also learns that she is still connected to Marco through the blood moon curse and have the curse "cleaved" so that they can just be friends. Star is a girl of medium height. She is first alluded to in "Into the Wand". She loves to help others and whenever she sees that someone is upset, she does her best to cheer them up. She currently lives with her Earthly hosts, the Diaz family. When news got out that River and Marco were in trouble, Star wanted to go and rescue them, but her mother would not let her. As the series progress,with Marco at her side as her noble squire, she begins to grow and know more about the truth of her family´s origins and tries to maintain the order of Mewni. originale 11 juillet 2016 – 27 février 2017 Nb. While Star has many different outfits, she mainly wears three recurring outfits: At least in her case a person can morph in and out of their butterfly forms once they reach full maturity. Soon, Star herself begins to have her doubts when she learns that she desires to release her husband Globgor from imprisonment. Since season 1, she was living with her Earthly hosts, the Diaz family until the end of season 2, when she returns to her Mewni home dimension after knowing the return of villainous Toffee, threatening her kingdom. From then on, Star has shared residency with her adoptive family, engaging in numerous misadventures- many of which involving absconding to other worlds- and learning how to use her wand away from the prying eyes of her parents Princess Star Butterfly is the titular main protagonist and the heroine of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, owing her name to the title.
Disney better not be snubbing her because she is a great character to include in the lineup. She loves to help others and whenever she sees that someone is upset, she does her best to cheer them up. Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) est une série télévisée d'animation américaine en 77 épisodes doubles créés par Daron Nefcy et produite par Disney Television Animation. After leaving Mewni behind and giving up her title as princess, Star realizes that she is unsure of what to do with herself. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Unspecified, simply enjoys everything with optimism.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Star holds a coronation for Eclipsa and she and Globgor decide to rule Mewni peacefully. Star's adventures start off on her fourteenth birthday, where her Through the course of the first season, Star and Marco go on many adventures, and Star tries her hardest to adjust to life on Earth which for her proves difficult. Star is very energetic and friendly. She currently lives … She is the princess of Mewnie and current owner of the Royal Magic wand. She is also hated by SuperMarioZaki. In said episode, Star Butterfly receives the Royal Magic Wand for her fourteenth birthday, as is tradition. While Star has many different outfits, she mainly wears three recurring outfits: Star has a happy-go-lucky attitude and always puts a smile on everyone's faces. Star Butterfly color concept art with toe-exposing blue sandals.jpg. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Anime heroines (like Sailor Moon or Sakura Kinomoto)Energetic, exuberant, cute, sweet, impulsive, reckless, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, quirky, hyperactive, friendly, fun-loving, outgoing, brave, ditzy, disorganized, whimsical, funny, sometimes a bit self-centered and stubborn, but kind, caring, and heroicSlender, fair skin, pink hearts on her cheeks (formerly), long blonde hair, light blue eyes, small pink wings (after her Mewberty transformation; formerly)Adventures, friends, unicorns, puppies, having fun, fighting monsters (formerly), dancing, opossums, Marco's ringtone, Oskar, parties, lines, living on Earth, spiders, fortune cookies, nachos, bike riding, pancakes, sugar in her burritos, Destroys the Realm of Magic, merges the Earth and Mewni dimensions, and reunites with Marco All this, coupled with her lack of understanding of Earth customs, often puts her and Marco in strange, dangerous situations. Star is a energetic and friendly girl who loves having fun, and usually has an optimistic outlook on life. However, it didn't happen.
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