olympus 300mm f4 test
That’s more fun than a barrel of Leica’s!Olympus knows how to make glass and build lenses. I NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP THIS WEBSITE RUNNING, IT IS SO EASY AND FREEE for you to HELP OUT! About six months ago, I made a heart-wrenching, painful, and difficult decision: I switched from Canon to Olympus.Now, I’m not some crazy, brand-loyal photographer.
Your articles have inspired me to move to a smaller I do not care too much of bokeh or sensor size and I am concentrating mostly on improving my composition and creating photos worth looking at. Lumix G9 and Olympus 300mm F4 PRO. Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm f/4.0 IS PRO Verdict. Light gathering must account for the overall size of the sensor as well, Steve. Many times I accidentally bumped it, went to take a picture, and found the camera not responding.
If you’re not used to shooting sports, 600mm is tight and it can be quite challenging to keep up with the action, as well as staying back far enough to give context to your subject matter. Running this site costs quite a bit of cash every single month and on top of that, I work full-time 60+ hours a week on it each and every single day of the week (I receive 100-300 emails a DAY). As I eluded to in the review, there is a learning curve to shooting with a lens of this focal length.Superb optics. On the other hand, 300mm is much too short for surfing photography from the shore. They have a great legacy and they aren’t a company who knows compromise. With my naked eye, I couldn’t tell there was a dog on the boat, make out what was written on a T-shirt or read what type of engine the boat had. He had an old manual AIS Nikkor zoom lens that had been shot with a powerful handgun at close range (I don’t remember how or why it happened) and he wanted to show it to me. First up is the fact that the tripod foot has an ARCA-Swiss compatible tripod foot built in. [ August 3, 2020 ] There are so many good mirrorless systems today, it’s hard to pick a favourite. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.Since I’m starting to photograph more birds, your review of the Olympus 300 was welcome. Umnak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Canon’s 600mm F4 lens weighs in at a whopping 8.6lbs (3.9kg) while the Olympus with the same equivalent magnification and maximum aperture is a comparably dainty 3.25 (1.47kg).Physically, it is also much more compact. Sharp enough. And at 300mm it is not the sharpest lens to begin with. The Yeah, no contest there. Images with the PL 100-400 were soft in comparison to the Olympus, and the zoom ring on the PL 100-400 is so friggin’ stiff that it was a awful to use. If you can choose between multiple tools which let you do a job, buy what makes you happiest.Great point on old lenses! I’m sure a few new lenses will be announced soon. Id take a 300mm f/4 DOF over a 600mm f/4 DOF.I shoot exclusively with m43’s, but your statement is just not correct. Zoom out to 400 is good. So if you are using an ARCA-Swiss type tripod head, such as those made by Really Right Stuff, etc., you won’t need to slap another lens tripod plate onto you lens because it’s built in.
First the Lumix/Leica 100-400, (While the Lumix/Leica 100-400mm combo gave me a staggering reach (200-800mm equivalent on the 4/3rds system), the sharpness at the long end was imperfect, and the bokeh was lacking. On top of that, the direct focus on the sensor eliminates potential calibration issues.It would be interesting to see a direct comparison if someone had access to both setups.Well, the ISO equivalent theory is good on paper but practical nonsense. When I shot this photo, I was on the shore sitting on a rock in the shade just shooting whatever caught my attention as boats and people moved in and out of the frame. That is why professionals are willing to lug around those huge 600/4 lenses.Hi Craig thanks for the in-depth review given your background as a former newspaper photog!So sorry Bruce, I agree. I currently don’t have any Olympus or M4/3 kit but I’ve always had a soft spot for Olympus from my OM10 to 1, 2 & 4 from many moons ago. I wonder if cropping on the Sony70-300 will still be better when you compare it that way?We come here to read about and see beautiful photos, not get rehashed marketing spin.To begin with, i have shot with Olympus for thirty years….
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