kung fu combat film
Conan Lee, like Bao Yien, is one of the most most under-valued martial artists in acting history. A defense officer, Nameless, was summoned by the King of Qin regarding his success of terminating three warriors.Like ALL Yimou Zhang films, this is a work of ART. Great classic Shaolin kung fu spiritual adventure.... And the training sequences!!! Is the acting good?
The one shot upstairs fight sequence is amazing. The main actor even resembles Jaa, however this isnt from Thailand and it doesnt showcase Muay Thai at all.
The action is simply amazing.
The fight scenes were unlike anything ever seen when this was released.
Beautiful modern cinematography.
An autistic girl with powerful martial art skills looks to settle her ailing mother's debts by seeking out the ruthless gangs that owe her family money.From the Director of "Ong Bak:Muay Thai Warrior" comes the new Martial Arts Sensation from Thailand, Ms. Jeeja (or Jija) Yanin! The monk Hung Wen-Ting fights against the evil priest White Lotus.Intrigue, mystery, subterfuge, kung fu, Lo Lieh directed - this confusing kung fu classic tale of deceit is wonderful. A young martial artist is caught between respecting his pacifist father's wishes or stopping a group of disrespectful foreigners from stealing precious artifacts.
She has borne him two sons and raised his eldest.
In 1937, a Chinese martial artist returns to Shanghai to find his teacher dead and his school harassed by the Japanese.Picking up where Bruce Lee left off, Jet Li brings this character to life in this Chinese nationalistic tour de force of Kung Fu. See this film and hopefully you'll agree with me. It's a masterpiece. A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. I haven't seen that done before or since. France employs local secret agents in Vietnam 1922 to eliminate resistance. A biography of Chinese Martial Arts Master Huo Yuanjia, who is the founder and spiritual guru of the Jin Wu Sports Federation.Based on the true story of real life martial arts master Huo Yuanjia.
Not specifically Shaolin oriented, but more modern mixed genre. He's accompanied from Spain by 2 (later 3) cute women. Balances Martial Arts, Sappy Romance & Humor Perfectly. China, 1861: After rescuing the Qing prince from rebels, General Su retires to start a martial arts school. Stuff you'd expect from the masterful Jackie Chan. After an ambush of a battle, ... Another great Gordon Liu film, featuring great training sequences, family struggle, and a wonderful tale of revenge and redemption. Raised to deal in cold blooded death, the teenage assassin girl Azumi must defeat three evil warlords while also battling her own heart.Lots of sword fighting, blood, and over the top fun here. The man who founded Tai Chi in the 19th century and what has now become the most popular Tai Chi style in the world.
Sammo Hung. Biao Yuen. The ambitious one rises up to be a powerful military commander, while his betrayed friend resorts to learn the calm ways of Tai Chi.Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh tear it up in this wonderful early 90's kung fu classic. Its amazing what movie magic can turn a person into, in this they managed some pretty boy like Rain into an ALMOST convincing cold blooded ninja assassin. Later an agent seems to have fallen in love with her and helps her escape. It's truly incredible. Year 1978. Meanwhile, the crime boss sends his top henchmen to put an end to their dirty schemes.No wire-fu, super-slo-mo, or metaphysical metaphors to be seen here, just straight in your face martial arts brutality. A near retired inspector and his unit are willing to put down a crime boss at all costs while dealing with his replacement, who is getting in their way. A young man visiting and helping his uncle in New York City finds himself forced to fight a street gang and the mob with his martial art skills.An Updated remake of Bruce Lee's Way of the Dragon.
After ambushing and killing his rival, losing everything in the process, dispirited warlord Hou Jie turns to a Shaolin monastery seeking salvation.An absolutely visually stunning piece of cinematography, focusing on the deconstruction of Shaolin in war-ravaged China. It has some great acting and a beautiful story, as well as very tasteful wire magic.
Afficianados often list this as their favorite. Yang travels to Chen Village to learn a powerful form of Tai Chi. To achieve this he forgoes a budding romance with his kungfu master's daughter, a shepherdess. This one has great fights and a very emotional ending. Unique stunts, amazing fight scenes. its based on a Manga & spawned a sequel. I'm not a fan of gun-fu in general, but this provided enough true martial arts to keep me satisified. The brothers and small time crooks Yipao and Taipao convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students.Knockabout is one of the greatest classic kung fu films ever made. But a jealous General betrays the Eilte Spearman and their father to the opposing Mongol army.
Two Chinese friends, who operate a food truck in Barcelona, Spain, use their martial arts expertise to help their private investigator friend protect the pickpocket Sylvia, who's been targeted by a ruthless gang.Jackie Chan. Sanim and his friends, having had loved ones abducted, have joined together to break the gang of kidnappers. , AKA Shaolin challenges ninja The middle fight sequence between the teachers of the respective schools is absolutely brilliant. The story of martial-arts master Ip Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee.The original (unedited Hong Kong) version of this film is very very good. This Hong Kong martial-arts extravaganza tells of evil emperors and true love.
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