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By using Twitter’s services you agree to our This algorithm identifies topics that are popular now, rather than topics that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis, to help you discover the hottest emerging topics of discussion on Twitter.You can choose to see trends that are not tailored for you by selecting a specific trends location on twitter.com, iOS, or Android (instructions below). Learn how to change the language setting on your Twitter account. You can Twitter for iOS stores content in the app, which can take up space on your device. Once the app is installed, you can log in with an existing account or sign up for a new account directly from the app. To get started, tap on a Tweet to view in full screen mode.You can use shortcuts in your Twitter app through a bluetooth keyboard connected to your iPhone or iPad. If you have chosen to keep your Tweets protected, you’ll receive follower requests from other accounts that wish to follow you. To sign up for an account.

Trends are available on the Twitter for iOS app, the Twitter for Android app, and twitter.com.On Twitter's mobile apps, you can find trends listed under the trends section of the Trends are determined by an algorithm and, by default, are tailored for you based on who you follow, your interests, and your location. In order to clear up space, you can clear your Twitter media and/or web storage. In these cases, the content might continue to trend on our platform.Note that even if we prevent the hashtag or the content from appearing on the list of trending topics, you may still be able to access conversations around that content on Twitter.Below some trends, you may see the approximate number of Tweets associated with the trend, or personalized context such as who in your network is Tweeting about it.Additionally, when a Moment is found to be relevant to a trend, we may use the title of the Moment as the trend’s description. How to Change the Theme on Twitter. Twitter founder and the folks in charge only spread and shares the left point if you are conservative they go all the way to silence you to suspend your account to kick you off Twitter because you do not agree with them. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Help topics. There will be many world and local news events and conversations that will appear in your trends regardless of your personalization.Clicking or tapping any of the trends takes you to the Twitter search results for that trend. Help Center. This means that at times, we may prevent certain content from trending.
How to reset your password on iPhone or iPad. Search and trends The Twitter for iOS app can be used on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch device.You can reduce the amount of data used by Twitter by enabling data saver mode. Due to the large number of people Tweeting about these specific trends, you may not always be able to find your particular Tweet in search, but your followers will always see your Tweets.Yes. This wikiHow teaches you how to change your theme on Twitter. To see what people are saying about a previous trend, perform a Simply post a Tweet including the exact word or phrase as it appears in the trends list (with the hashtag, if you see one). While Twitter's theme customization options are limited, you can change your theme's color to any hue found on the HTML color spectrum. You'll see all Tweets including that phrase or hashtag. Learn about managing multiple Twitter accounts through your app. Open menu. Control what media you want downloaded in real time to help save data. In this mode, images will load in lower quality and videos won't autoplay. If you're using a mobile device to access Twitter, you can send yourself a password reset via the Twitter app (iOS or Android) or mobile.twitter.com. Additionally, you can use the Smart Keyboard or other compatible keyboards for your iPad.

C'est un processus différent d'un changement de nom sur Twitter. These include trends that:In some cases, we may also consider the newsworthiness of the content, or if it is in the public interest when evaluating potential violations. The Twitter for iOS app can be used on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch device. Adjust your trends settings via Twitter for iOS: In the top menu, tap your profile icon. View trends via twitter.com: To view trends for a specific location, click Change in your trends box.

Comment changer le nom d'utilisateur sur Twitter. Vous pouvez changer facilement votre nom d'utilisateur sur Twitter, celui qui apparait après le « @ ». Twitter app support How to send a password reset from your iOS device .

This is called a Yes, when signed into your account on the twitter.com, iOS, or Android, trends will be tailored for you based on your location and who you follow. We want trends to promote healthy discussions on Twitter. Ouvrez Twitter. Using Twitter Managing your account Safety and security Rules and policies Guides. Location trends identify popular topics among people in a specific geographic location.You may notice that some trends have # sign before the word or phrase. Download the Twitter for iOS app, if you haven't already installed it.

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