blade storm lol
©2015 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved.My Response to the coming Ash BladeStorm Revisit Rework However, I feel that the Marking mechanic for Ash needed to be 0 skill to land? Because if they have 100 armor, Last Whisper will give you 40 armor penetration, but this build provides a flat 45 armor penetration, making … Then they can move Blademaster’s Pursuit or Crushing Blows to 16 hahaha.
Unless this 'rework' does something about the excessively high cost of energy required to run bladestorm or the motion sickness that marking enemies can cause for some players it's not actually going to do much to solve some of the underlying issues with the previous rework. We pay energy according to whatever energy cost is moded for "while in stealth" on bladestorm. Part 2: The Beach Bash kicks off August 11. I hope this little enrichment to Ash gives him a better mechanic and play style. The range for automated marks should be a static 10m which can`t be increased or decreased with mods. Find more HD LoL desktop backgrounds in our wallpapers gallery. Details: Woah woah woah woah woah. I usually don't have issues to kill ninjas as an warrior, guess if everything crits a warrior can 100% - 0% a ninja? - Binding swords leaves the enemy with a 1 quick second of invulnerability, therefore you cannot backstab right away cause it won't stun. When in BS Mode, any enemies Stunned by Smoke Screen will auto Mark those enemies (applied after stun animation) and initiate Bladestorm using Clones. I feel this will give Ash a much more Dynamic play-style and provide an alternative to initiate BS. I guess aiming to shoot and moving quickly through the maps also does this, as well?
... /cancelaura Bladestorm Bladestorm at 110 seconds is a joke. Shadow clones immediately start attacking without canceling bladestorm or additional input necessary (you can continue to mark enemys)! The multiple marks can go though I agree. Space Mom Tweet Ill be honest, I really thought DE was done with Ash and so I did not post this idea of mine, but to my surprise a little blue bird said there will be a new Ash revisit rework lol and DEs direction seems to be similar to mine. If you have the ability to iframe out of that skill, then the skill is rendered completely useless because everyone will simply use some iframe to get out. In most situations energy siphon is useless (and I've made plenty of threads discussing energy reworks) it works in this case as you get enough energy to maintain low cost abilities. Morever, he no longer moves but teleports to where you want him to go lol. Blade Storm should also work for Stealth kills as well, Ash is a Ninja and Blade Storm is like a Super Ultimate Stealth Multi Finisher Shadow Clone Combo Jutsu thingy. Even more, 4 ninjas will outdps 4 warriors ezpz. like you mentioned is a good idea. As least Bladestorm has to be landed by the first ninja.one of the easiest skills to land in the entire game just below backstab and binding sword..I usually don't have issues to kill ninjas as an warrior, guess if everything crits a warrior can 100% - 0% a ninja? in this guide I want to share my Bladestorm Berserker with you. When in BS Mode, any enemies Stunned by Smoke Screen will auto Mark those enemies (applied after stun animation) and initiate Bladestorm using Clones. XD "Balance is a fool's master." A fix range of 10m (maybe 15m?) Your use of this product is subject to the terms of the license agreement available on our website at [TERA PC & CONSOLE] One week left in Summerfest, Part 1: Festival of the Sun! It looks like you're new here. The cost is negligible. I currently am top 1 Bladestorm Berserker in SSFLegion and on pair with the trade league.
Please have a read Thank You!. Even at sortie levels it should take 2 marks to kill an enemy so let's leave it at the baseline 3 energy per mark and say you want to kill 15 enemies. Duration and efficiency are his best stats to build for with a baseline range for teleport. You really shouldn't build power strength on him as he barely benefits. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! It's 3 energy per mark. "Ninjas should out dps warriors since they require more skill to play." There will be a situation where several enemies are Marked and attacked by Clones, while still in BS Mode you initiate the normal Cinematic BladeStorm using “press 4 again”, this will make Ash attack with a Cyclone does an effective 162% base damage (54% with 3 times normal attack speed) whereas bladestorm does 84% base damage plus 42% base damage per bladestorm and multiplied by 1.12 for bloodstorm, for a total of 210% base damage with 3 bladestorms in sand stance up to 282.4% base damage with 4 bladestorms (with helmet enchant) in blood stance. It doesn't affect me personally but some people have reported 'motion sickness' from the marking process and obviously the bladestorm bit. Duration and efficiency are his best stats to build for with a baseline range for teleport. I'd disagree about his usefulness at low power strength but each to their own on that one. Shockblade Zed Skin League of Legends champion wallpaper.
As least Bladestorm has to be landed by the first ninja. 2 marks per enemy + 15 enemies is 60 energy far less than most ults in the game. You really shouldn't build power strength on him as he barely benefits. Run with energy siphon or zenurik if you don't want to build efficiency. Bladestorm VS Viper's grab After the above happens, the ranger keeps his dancing or struggling status for the rest of the game. tldr; nerf all newer classes because they're op, buff old classes, oh and continue to nerf lancers. lol oO This macro works fine for me. lol. I can't take PurpleKnightmare seriously when he says Binding Sword is one of the easiest things to land in the game. Suggestions: 1, Please allow us to see if soldiers can see the designed hacking objectives as if we can know if soldiers see the enemies when the cursor moves. - Binding swords can be iframed cause of long animation. Any other time, Youmuu's will provide better penetration (lol). I have no problems with soloing ninjas either, but the class does have some op skills.
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