bbc history wikipedia
Die BBC wurde lange von Konservativen einer zu starken links-liberalen Orientierung beschuldigt. Ebenso verlief die technische Entwicklung: Die erste Ausstrahlung eines Programms fand schon am 14. The following few years resulted in repositioning of some of the channels to conform to a larger brand: in 2003, During this decade, the corporation began to sell off a number of its operational divisions to private owners; BBC Broadcast was spun off as a separate company in 2002,Unlike the other departments of the BBC, the BBC World Service was funded by the On 18 October 2007, BBC Director General Mark Thompson announced a controversial plan to make major cuts and reduce the size of the BBC as an organisation. Das Vereinigte Königreich verwendet PAL-I (anderer Tonträgerabstand) und für den Stereo-Ton Die meisten Sender sind digital und analog empfangbar, mit * gekennzeichnete Sender nur digital. The revenue is collected privately by Capita, an outside agency, and is paid into the central government Income from commercial enterprises and from overseas sales of its catalogue of programmes has substantially increased over recent years,According to the BBC's 2018/19 Annual Report, its total income was £4.8 billion (£4,889 billion) a decrease from £5,062 billion in 2017/18 - partly owing to a 3.7% phased reduction in government funding for free over-75s TV licences,The licence fee has, however, attracted criticism. This relationship garnered wider public attention after an article by In October 1985, the BBC announced that it would stop the vetting process, except for a few people in top roles, as well as those in charge of The BBC has the second largest budget of any UK-based broadcaster with an operating expenditure of £4.722 billion in 2013/14The principal means of funding the BBC is through the television licence, costing £154.50 per year per household since April 2019.The BBC pursues its licence fee collection and enforcement under the trading name "TV Licensing". Januar wurde die British Broadcasting Corporation eingerichtet und alle Vermögenswerte auf sie übertragen. Previously, the largest hub of BBC programming from the The BBC also operates several news gathering centres in various locations around the world, which provide news coverage of that region to the national and international news operations. November 1922 aus einem Londoner Studio statt. The recommendations of the Crawford Committee were published in March the following year and were still under consideration by the GPO when the The crisis placed the BBC in a delicate position. "Throughout the 1930s, political broadcasts had been closely monitored by the BBC.The success of broadcasting provoked animosities between the BBC and well established media such as theatres, concert halls and the recording industry. It employs over 22,000 staff in total, more than 16,000 of whom are in public sector broadcasting. Die Einnahmen aus kommerziellen, internationalen Lizenzgeschäften via Die BBC war anfangs auch stark auf die Informationsversorgung der Besondere Bedeutung erlangte das deutsche Programm der BBC, das aus dem weltbekannten Im Nachkriegsdeutschland war die BBC Vorbild für den Aufbau eines vom Staat unabhängigen Rundfunksystems. Die Britische Post hatte sich gegen die Anfänge des Rundfunks aus Sicherheitsbedenken gewehrt und eine Vielzahl von Anträgen abgelehnt. By now, the BBC, under Reith's leadership, had forged a consensus favouring a continuation of the unified (monopoly) broadcasting service, but more money was still required to finance rapid expansion. Dezember wurde Reith zum Managing Director ernannt, am 15. British television at the time of BBC2's launch consisted of two channels: the BBC Television Service and the ITV network made up of smaller regional companies. p. 524. To read about the background to these events, see History of England, History of Wales, History of Scotland, History of Ireland, History of the formation of the United Kingdom and History of the United Kingdom Mitglieder der Regierung von Margaret Thatcher warfen der BBC Voreingenommenheit vor.
Damit sollte eine chaotisch erscheinenden Situation wie in den USA vermieden werden. who have already proved their power to achieve popularity by wireless." The plans included a reduction in posts of 2,500; including 1,800 redundancies, consolidating news operations, reducing programming output by 10% and selling off the flagship Further cuts were announced on 6 October 2011, so the BBC could reach a total reduction in their budget of 20%, following the licence fee freeze in October 2010, which included cutting staff by 2,000 and sending a further 1,000 to the Under the new royal charter instituted 2017, the corporation must publish an annual report to Ofcom, outlining its plans and public service obligations for the next year. Die Brüder Karl und Louis Pfister, die im schweizerischen Baden die Industrie fördern und ein Elektrizitätswerk bauen wollten, erfuhren im Januar 1891 von den Plänen Browns und Boveris und traten mit ihnen in Kontakt.
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