top songs 1978
Top Brazil Songs of 1978 #1 Most … 1. Seven singles from 1977 remained in the top 10 for several weeks at the beginning of the year, while "One-hundred and twenty-one singles charted in the top 10 in 1978, with one-hundred and thirteen singles reaching their peak this year. However, since these sites are not under our control, we cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by them. For detailed information on how Billboard compiled the charts, see the Wikipedia article "Disclaimer: Much of the information available is external to our website. Billboard Year-End Hot 100 chart for 1978.
Of these, four went on to record another hit single that year: The following table (collapsed on desktop site) does not include acts who had previously charted as part of a group and secured their first top 10 solo single. Linking to these websites does not constitute an endorsement by Music Outfitters or any of its employees. Original songs from various films entered the top 10 throughout the year. Fifty-nine artists achieved their first top 10 single in 1978, either as a lead or featured artist. Top R&B Songs of 1978. This is a list of Billboard magazine's Top Hot 100 songs of 1978. For detailed information on how Billboard compiled the charts, see the Wikipedia article "Billboard Hot 100".
The top 100 1978 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 1978. Eighteen artists scored multiple entries in the top 10 in 1978. …
One-hundred and twenty-one singles were in the top ten in 1978. The figures include both main artists and featured artists, while appearances on ensemble charity records are also counted for each artist. Kiss You All Over - Exile; 6.
Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees ; 5. Shadow Dancing - Andy Gibb; 2.
Billboard Year-End Hot 100 chart for 1978.
No. Music Outfitters, Inc. has included these sites because we believe they provide information and/or services that you may find useful. These included "The following table shows artists who achieved two or more top 10 entries in 1978, including singles that reached their peak in 1977.
You Light Up My Life - Debby Boone; 4. The total number of weeks an artist spent in the top ten in 1978 is also shown.
One-hundred and twenty-one singles charted in the top 10 in 1978, with one-hundred and thirteen singles reaching their peak this year.
Night Fever - The Bee Gees; 3. Top Country Songs of 1978. Top 100 Hits of 1978/Top 100 Songs of 1978 .
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