tariq ramadan facebook
Je vous y retrouverai avec plaisir in sha Allah. 28,687 talking about this. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 2 talking about this. More than two thousand poor souls killed by this scum during its holy month of Ramadan and the press does not seem to give a damn but heaven forbid for a Muslim be looked at with cross eyes and the press goes raving mad.Sleazy Tariq Ramadan is the true, double-face of Islam. LE PROBLÈME POUR LES INSCRIPTIONS EN DEHORS DE LA FRANCE A ÉTÉ RÉSOLU al-hamduliLLah. Official page of Tariq Ramadan. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Learn more, including about available controls: Une présence-hommage quotidienne et un relais de la ... Pourquoi une page pour relayer la pensée du Professeur Tariq Ramadan? Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. And it is possible that “Christelle’s” treatment will scare off still others into dropping their own charges, such as the four women in Switzerland who accused Ramadan of sexually assaulting them when they were his underage pupils in a high school.Ramadan is doing everything he can during this long drawn-out case to win popular sympathy. Their cases are not similar. Sleazy Tariq Ramadan is the true, double-face of Islam. 24 738 en parlent. Page officielle de Tariq Ramadan. Kafirs have it coming to them.He probably thinks that since none of the ladies have four witnesses, that they have no case and he probably feels that he has the right to stone them to death.Lawyer Eric Morain referred to ‘foul-smelling practices’ of Ramadan’s and his defenders that they hope will intimidate Ramadan’s victims into silence. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content.onnerai quatre cours (les samedis et jeudis) à 19:00 dans un programme organisé par la mosquée de Pessac et le groupe scolaire al-Badr. But for Tariq Ramadan, it’s going to be a very bad year.Given Ramadan’s erstwhile employment as an “Oxford Professor” – should he not now be known as “Rama-Don” ?
Tariq Ramadan abused women ‘Islamically’ and therefore, he abused with a clear conscience. Islam claims to honor women, but Ramadan’s behavior is consistent with Sharia law and shows that Islam fails to defend women but rather interprets Sharia in a way that makes ‘kafirs’ unprotected. Less than 100 years ago. Join Facebook to connect with Tariq Ramadan and others you may know. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflictsThe latest news about Tariq Ramadan has to do with a rogue French spy, hired by his supporters, in order to discover the identity of one of Ramadan’s accusers, known only as “Christelle,” in an obvious attempt to threaten her into silence.Ramadan, a professor [on leave, likely permanently] of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford’s St. Anthony’s College and grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, is currently facing four charges of rape in France. Vous pouvez vous inscrire m'informe-t-on... A samedi, 19h 00 (heure de Paris). Nous sommes toutes et tous affectés par le traitement inhumain du Professeur Tariq Ramadan et la triste cabale des médias à son égard. This frightened creature, who is frantically hoping to avoid his final rendezvous with French justice, is discovering that the wheels of justice grind exceeding slow, but they do grind. Islam claims to honor women, but Ramadan’s behavior is consistent with Sharia law and shows that Islam fails to defend women but rather interprets Sharia in a way that makes ‘kafirs’ unprotected. Multiple sclerosis, an “international Zionist plot,” “consensual” sado-masochism, threats intended to silence accusers – he and his defenders will try anything. (Fortunately, the chances of him getting a verdict of “Rama-Didn’t” seem increasingly slim….
The two initial charges were made by feminist activist Henda Ayari, with the other one being a disabled woman identified only as “Christelle.”Christelle’s lawyer, Eric Morain, now wants to request the admission of evidence from the Haurus case into the case against Ramadan.Speaking to Le Parisien, Morain referred to the actions as “foul-smelling” and said that it was part of an effort to pressure and scare his client with threats into silence.“Investigations must be carried out to find out if these foul-smelling practices are the work of Tariq Ramadan and his entourage, even if it seems obvious,” he said….This latest news about the attempt to discover the identity of “Christelle” reminds us yet again of the relentless efforts by Ramadan and his supporters to silence his accusers. Ramadan has compared his treatment to that of Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish officer famously prosecuted as a “traitor” by antisemites, and sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil’s Island.
In 1924, the sultan’s palace in Constantinople was closed. Official page of Tariq Ramadan. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964
Page officielle de Tariq Ramadan. His supporters hired a rogue French spy (known only as “Haurus”) — now under indictment — to determine her identity, and with that information, Ramadan hoped to threaten her into silence. J'y donnerai un commentaire de la sourate al-Kahf en quatre parties (les quatre histoires qui la constituent). Early on, he described himself as suffering from multiple sclerosis, hoping for release from detention, but a French medical team examined him and declared his case was sufficiently mild so as to be “compatible with detention.” Then his supporters began to describe him as the victim of trumped-up charges orchestrated by “Zionists.” They still hope to convince the world that he’s been the victim of a Jewish conspiracy.
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