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Stop pretending you don’t like it. Dernière édition Henda Ayari’s many versions have all been undermined. She also said that she was constantly beaten by her mother.As for her ex-husband, the father of her three children, she said he spent most of his time at the mosque with Salafists and depended on public welfare to support his family.Before that decision and years later, she narrated how her “fanatic husband” used to beat her if she did not wear the headscarf. Un an et demi plus tard, le bilan de l’enquête prouve que la quadragénaire a menti à de multiples reprises. Le 19 Octobre 2017, Henda Ayari portait plainte contre Tariq Ramadan pour viol dans le sillage du mouvement #BalanceTonPorc. Les conclusions de la Brigade Criminelle sont claires : elle n’est pas crédible. Elfassi manipulated two young men and pushed them to lodge a complaint against the Youtuber JeremStar. On October 19, 2017, Henda Ayari filed a complaint against Tariq Ramadan accusing him of rape in the wake of the #MeToo and#BalanceTonPorc movement. In some text messages she begs him to meet her again, while in other messages she threatens to "destroy" him if he does not respond to her advances.We, therefore, are dealing with a psychologically disturbed person. The Criminal Brigade’s findings are clear: Ayari is not convincing. He slapped me and was outright violent. A year and a half later, the investigation’s outcome shows that the forty-year-old woman has lied many times In their hearings, they point to her "mythomaniac" character and talk about her many "lies". Indeed, she hasn’t been able to name any date or place of the alleged rape.Henda Ayari’s versions, as the many hearings show, reveal many inconsistencies and proven lies. Les différentes versions de Henda Ayari ont toutes été mises à mal. Henda Ayari और अपने अन्य परिचितों से जुड़ने के लिए Facebook में शामिल करें. Well, now you do.”Ayari was born to a Tunisian mother and an Algerian father. Ses contenus n'engagent pas la rédaction.Lisez Mediapart en illimité sur ordinateur, mobile et tablette.En poursuivant votre navigation sur Mediapart, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies contribuant à la réalisation de statistiques et la proposition de contenus et services ciblés sur d'autres sites. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Henda Ayari. Henda Ayari, la première femme qui a osé porter plainte, pour viol, contre Tariq Ramadan, témoigne, ce matin, dans plusieurs organes de presse. 1,609 Followers, 323 Following, 177 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Henda Ayari (@henda___ayari) She has changed her version four times since she filed her original complaint and all of her witnesses are distancing themselves from these versions. En effet, la jeune femme n’a pu citer aucune date ni aucun lieu quant au viol présumé.Les versions de Henda Ayari, comme le montrent les différentes auditions, comportent de nombreuses incohérences mais aussi des mensonges avérés.
She would regularly use "blackmail, threats and harassment" as confirmed by a source close to the file.Finally, the messages she sent after the meeting and which were added to the file, prove that she harassed Tariq Ramadan. Henda Ayari नाम के लोगों की प्रोफ़ाइल देखें. Dans certains textos elle le supplie de la revoir et dans d’autres elle le menace de le «détruire » s’il ne répond pas à ses avances. It turns out that the mentioned - according to her claim - is Tariq Ramadan, according to explosive claims she made on her Facebook page in recent days.Ayari has published the book to tell her story of how she decided to abandon the Salafi approach and take off her hijab to live as a “free” Muslim more than a year ago.Hind said that she followed the 55-year-old Oxford university professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies and listened to his religious and social advice on social media.In her memoir, Ayari details how her alleged assailant invited her to meet him at a hotel in Paris in 2012, where he was taking part in a conference.Ramadan gave a lecture aside of the Federation of Islamic Organizations conference in Paris, then invited Ayari to his room in the hotel, she said that he took advantage of her weakness to hug and kiss her.
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