conjunctions lesson pdf
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We will not use all of the presentation today, but we’ll go through slide 6 today.
For example, instead of saying, “I took my dog for a walk,” and then saying, “I gave my dog a treat.”, I could say, “I took my dog for a walk and gave her a treat.” I ask the students if they heard the word that helped me make my sentence more interesting.
Raju will play today if he gets a chance.. 04. <> To wrap up our lesson, I ask the students which conjunction they had the most of by show of hands! And I’m doing this on purpose!” I explain to the kids that it’s not much fun when we speak, or even when we read, text the way I just spoke to them. �g}�-�x\���ƿɽ P��=\�۳|m�A‱ 5]�t�p��$�-��=O��_�iQ�ӓ���.C�W� {�Mݔ]�
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Students then take it in turns to pick up a sentence card and read it to the other two students using the word 'blank' where the conjunction should go. "�p���'$��dc�5Pp��&�vC+h.DX�=4�.zo�0Y;4 ��C�,Dּ�#�鄳xֲ���� ���#���w����-�v�����y��]���G&�����������)�ѓ\�E�o��1581�,(� �X"6�T �\��q Please sit on the rug. ���Y�p�+b=�&Ν� �T�ɔP�q��.��u�i�u�h��vr�9�|��>�O�M��T�L��R� �����Z��#'������z���+v�̀�f��]p�2��d�ת�|u����}!�W��f��/]����O�E�v�y�ws�Yqz�ț�z_�z�nۦi��/��ɿ��~�j�>!�@y?Z�*�e�@���.26c5���j�{b�x_ɾ�k}U?0��lւ=�**mH 1 of 5 Subordinating Conjunctions and Subordinate Clauses This handout discusses how subordinating conjunctions, or subordinators, help writers create cohesion, or “togetherness,” within their writing, and how these conjunctions signal different logical links between ideas. a) and b) was c) that d) the 10. We also review the function of a conjunction and specifically, that there are seven coordinating conjunctions that we use all the time! Types of Conjunctions. Sam is either a fool or a stupid.. 07. 3. I think conjunctions actually deserve a little more credit than they get! Part Two | Identifying Subordinating Conjunctions Directions: Read each sentence.
h�bbd```b``v� ��*�d��@$�4�b&�� ����f˂Hc] ���' �������HF �W�������l/�"�30v� 0 lE� Why is that?” A student raises their hand and says, “Well, it’s just that you sort of sound like a robot Mrs. Hesemann!” I have to chuckle inside, and I say, “You’re right, I do! A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about conjunctions, conjunctions x��ko���{����V�i.��"ȇ�����k�ѢH���h��Le5��3�����Фq�$����y�H��S|�x��ݯ?���'�Ïw����n�"�����wR��Y��QgA������B�������o���o"O��m���wl�]�����������w?i$?ЌrĉI�'X�́=����S�[3�Ug���wB���&"!����p�t�Ƞ7"��E��=�;F��t:&�r�W�&�Z���8:�L� �)����k�`�������(@p�Ħ�a�"w������j�H��M�u�8t`K��l����9[M�����ɴ� ����C��(خ}�s��u�^)��@��_�� J�7^P��}����_�'���j�^]=� {����$(�~�B|_� “They’re called what?” I say. We also review the function of a conjunction and specifically, that there are seven coordinating conjunctions that we use all the time! That means they come at the beginning of the second sentence.
Write sentences on the board and have students help pick which type of conjunction you used. �I�7P�@c��{%���D95AD��دM�(�?v?��m��.����y �[Ѱi�� a�NQ��n�n_��집{aYȼԢ��v>�o�I�6L&)V�(��aN��M����Y��f�3�(�tqT$��hI�(�c˞;��� �d�MF�x��6����鼤� �B��!��qYG�i(o�p������|�3�!i���t���Uׁך���P��*b�qXFj��~:���8����a�m_N���B?�i}0=��ϋ������h�v:P���,�N�����%�V4�:��T������$ښ�yu��`^�O�AM販E)l�?��uk�y�@�� h}� [:r M���#ad(6:]�kU#0^����iD�\"������V�� We must reach there before anyone else.. 06.
3. 1 0 obj Teacher Materials. This lesson can easily be divided into three parts (to cover one type of conjunction at a time) or completed all at once for a comparison of conjunction types. y:�A�I��W�ޕ���u�N���q�1�|L��ދ�Ȧ�c��ߡ�4�E�T��դ�᧧C}��p�J�O)�||�B�Ɇ� ���IV|e_�Gp�G��t�Ѥ��p9{����cr���e�������K��#���q�Q�?���wI������8�.�f1`��%1�˸41:����8[�ݏ�c�;/��$���|Y,��������i�M � !Ҁ�A6��N$��!L��V-�m�6�n�i�D�>e����|�Κ�[���F��M>+4i�M|����w#! O�8����w�J�W~�5���v��w? %%EOF For each coordinating conjunction the students find, the students can place one tally mark along side it on their Coordinating Conjunctions Scavenger Hunt page. “Conjunctions!” the kids chant back! Determine which one of your answer choices is being used as a subordinating conjunction. Correlative conjunction worksheets.
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