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Paul Le Roux


But Le Roux makes Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes and Fyre impresario Billy McFarland look like milquetoasts.“The Mastermind” chronicles Le Roux’s metamorphosis from garden-variety misanthropic nerd with mad coding skills (born in Zimbabwe, raised in South Africa, beguiled as a teen by programming’s power “to create worlds in code”) to sociopathic kingpin. Two are white: a portly South African and his muscled European deputy. Explosives.

A pillar of the local community for four decades, Schultz had been charged with shipping more than 700,000 illegal painkiller prescriptions from the back of his two local pharmacies. “Americans, like you say, they think that they can control everything, but they cannot. His birth mother gave him up for adoption. The men’s business is drugs and weapons, and drugs and weapons are everywhere. Our mission is to get Southern California reading and talking.Sara Faith Alterman’s “Let’s Never Talk About This Again” is a memoir about strange family dynamics, love, grief and the benefits of finally opening up.Pete Hamill, the eloquent voice of his beloved hometown of New York as both newspaper columnist and bestselling author, died Wednesday morning.Photographer Brian Bowen Smith’s planned photo book, “Drivebys,” will document portraits of American pandemic life — shot through his truck window during an epic cross-country road trip.Author Stephenie Meyer has brought the “Twilight” saga back from the dead with new “Midnight Sun,” and readers are pumped for Edward’s perspective.Evan Ratliff’s “The Mastermind” and Elaine Shannon’s “Hunting LeRoux” chronicle Paul Le Roux’s metamorphosis from garden-variety misanthropic nerd to sociopathic kingpin. But he went fully black hat with his next move, parlaying the proceeds into a globe-girdling agglomeration of criminal enterprises that dealt drugs and weapons to and from rogue regimes, warlords, terrorists and street gangs.“The Mastermind” is a tour de force of shoe-leather reporting — undertaken, amid threats and menacing, at considerable personal risk. He set out with his driver on their regular route through Taytay, an industrial city an hour east of Manila. According to statements by former employees and business partners, he is said to have been involved in plans to smuggle gold belonging to former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to South Africa, and is even rumored to have planned a coup in the Seychelles with a troop of international mercenaries. "So, did le Roux — who many former companions also describe as openly racist —plan to create his own kingdom in Africa through his projects in Somalia, his land purchases in Zimbabwe, and his coup plans in the Seychelles? The cases were difficult to solve, he said. He presided over his fiefdom from an aerie atop a luxury Manila high-rise using an encrypted laptop, a shifting cast of hatchet men and a scheming mind that never slept.But business convention wasn’t the only thing he broke. They were, the agents suspected, Americans from Roxboro, North Carolina.Rivera introduced the DEA agents to the witnesses he had interviewed about Lee’s last days. Very little was known about the people behind TrueCrypt, he cautioned; the programmers who created it were anonymous. You can find more information in our data protection declaration.Crystal meth, weapons smuggling, contract killings, an attempted coup — for Paul le Roux, no crime went too far. When they raided the man’s office and apartment, they turned up deeds for two stash houses, receipts for tens of millions of dollars in gold bars, and handwritten directions to a meeting in Buenaventura, Colombia, with a man named “Don Lucho”—the head of one of the world’s biggest cocaine cartels.Then, in November, a pair of spear fishermen diving off an atoll in Tonga discovered a wrecked forty-four-foot sailboat with a badly decomposed body on board.

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