british accent vs american accent
Join Sophia and Natasha to learn about some of the differences.Watch the video and use the subtitles and the transcript to help you understand.Which accent do you prefer? Copyright © 2020, Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons Yes there are many British accents and many American accents and some British accents are more difficult to understand than most American accents.
You pick up an American accent when talk to Americans, an Australian accent … British accent vs American accent The biggest difference between British English and American English is, undoubtedly, the accent. For: Individuality. The reason why these two variations sound so different is known as rhotacism, the change of a particular consonant into a rhotic consonant.
Understood by most people worldwide.General American, Boston, New York, Eastern New England, the Southern United States, and many more.Received Pronunciation, Cockney, Estuary English (Southeast British), West Country (Southwest British), Midlands English, Brummie (Birmingham English), Northern England English, Geordie, Welsh English, Scottish English, and many more.Comparison between General American and Received Pronunciation:Rhotic: This means that the ‘r’ at the end of the word is pronouncedNon-rhoticity: This means that the ‘r’ at the end of the word is not pronounced.No Trap-bath split: Certain ‘a’ words, like bath, can’t, and dance, are pronounced with the short-a, as in cat.Trap-bath split: These words are instead pronounced with the broad-a as in father.Some Words ending in –ILE are pronounced without the –e at the end.
I prefer it. However, we study American English at school and try to speak like AmericansI personally prefer the British accent beacuse I think it is more elegant than American accent, I learn more British than American also because I study that at schoolI personally prefer the British accent because it sounds more elegant and it's my personal taste but the American accent is easier to understand and you can copy the way they talk whereas the British accent is harder than the American oneI prefere the British accent beacause I think the USA accent is too open and less clearI think english accent is easier than the american one, but i personally prefer American accent because is sort of funny and more "relaxed"I think British accent is better because in my opinion it's easier to understandI think that British accent is better because it's easier for me and the sound is clearer than American accentI prefer the British accent because it's clearer and easier to understand.I'd prefer the english accent because it's more understandable.I prefer British accent because I think it's more clearer andi'd prefer the US accent because i have a lot of american friends so i'm used to it.
So in summary, on popularity and understandability, the article is misleading.
It is no secret that America was colonized by settlers from England in the 1600s.
The main difference between the two accents is that the American Accent is easier to understand than the British Accent. Such as fertile is pronounced as ‘fer-till’.In these words the emphasis is on the –i-, is pronounced.
But is it good when I mix to accents? The world is most familiar with an American Accent known as General American, which has been made famous my movies, TV shows, and interviews; however, there are other accents such as Boston, New York, Eastern New England, the Southern United States, and many more.So let’s look at the comparison between the most popular American Accent, i.e. But first let’s also see the comparison between American and British Accent.Easier to understand. Hence, organization is pronounced ‘or-ga-NI-za-tion’The letter “T” in the middle of a word can be pronounced like a fast “D”The letter “T” in the middle of a word cannot be pronounced like a fast “D”Image Courtesy: amristo.wordpress.com, www.youtube.com The history behind these accents is quite fascinating. Do you prefer British or American accents? But British English as spoken by many people in the UK is neither easier nor more difficult to understand than American English.
Please replyI think it's okay mixing 2 accent. i study english at school but i talk like an american!I prefer the British one because it's clearer and easier to understandI think that both are good; British is the first I've ever learned, so I prefer it, the accent is more elegant and polite, but thanks to tv series and American books I can understand both without any problem.
How do you pronounce words like ‘vitamin’ and ‘water’?
It's cool! But it's true that British accent is more clear and polite.I like British accent so much! Here's another mystery photo. The reason for this is the fact that there are many different types of American Accents and many British Accents. In fact, there’s a solid reason why the British vs American accent developed so differently around the world. Though talk using American noun is difficult, and I think I will always use British to speak.I prefer the accent of USA because I think that the British one's is too close,and maybe is more difficult to undestand than the otherI prefer British Accent because it sounds better for me.
It sound very clearly and beautiful. However, it is to be expected that after almost 250 years of separation led to the development of different cultures, customs, and more importantly accents.The main difference between the two accents is that the American Accent is easier to understand than the British Accent. So it is safe to assume that the people had the same accent on both sides of the ocean.
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