autorité de la concurrence enquête
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It can also be consulted on all matters of competition, especially when monitoring concentrations.
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L'Autorité de la concurrence de la Nouvelle-Calédonie lance une enquête sectorielle dans le secteur aérien. Henceforth, the Competition Commission knows in an advisory capacity to Following the political change of 1986, resulting in the The Competition Council now has its own power of decision and sanctions on anticompetitive practices, although the power of decision in economic concentrations still held by the Minister of Economy, the Competition Council did in this case an advisory role.
The maximum amount of the penalty is for a company 10% of the worldwide turnover before tax achieved the highest during one of the years ended since the year preceding that in which the practices were implemented. 0000000016 00000 n
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The chairman is appointed The Competition Authority is composed of a college of 17 members, Within the council, there is a standing committee composed of the president and four vice presidents. 0000048306 00000 n
Elle a abouti à l’ouverture d’une enquête de l’Autorité de la concurrence, le 5 avril 2013, comme l’indique un arrêt de la cour d’appel de Paris, en 2014. Discussion among translators, entitled: Enquête de l'autorité de la concurrence sur la normalisation. 0000002057 00000 n
Although it is not considered a court, it pronounced injunctions, makes decisions, and if necessary, imposes penalties, subject to appeal to the Created by a decree of 9 August 1953 in the form of a commission attached to the Minister for the Economy, the Competition Council, as its name officially by the order of December 1, 1986 has become, since January 13, 2009 and according to the The government decided to take measures against price fixing In 1953, both Houses of Parliament tear around the passage of a law establishing the status of cartels. 92-1282 of 11 December 1992 empowers the Council to do under Articles 85 to 87 of the Now, subject to criteria related to turnover of the undertakings concerned (which would result if any competence of the The LME Act allows the Competition Authority on its own initiative in opinion on any competition issue and make recommendations to improve the market competition to the Minister responsible for the sector The President of the Competition Authority is appointed for a term of five years by decree on the report of the Minister of Economy. 0000004695 00000 n
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Regulation of 16 December 2002 is decentralizing the application of competition law in order to increase its effectiveness. 0000007568 00000 n
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Lorsque les pratiques illicites sont suffisamment établies, les rapporteurs de l’Autorité de concurrence procèdent à la notifi cation des griefs …
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This site uses cookies. The Competition Authority also plays an advisory role. 0000160360 00000 n
As such, it must be consulted before any regulatory price. 0000041449 00000 n
The other rapporteurs, who will present the case and the case to the Competition Authority, appointed by the General Rapporteur. 0000023782 00000 n
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The Competition Authority is mainly responsible for repressing anti-competitive business practices, including Several people can enter the Competition Authority.
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Law No.
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Seized under its From 1986, the Competition Council sees its gradually extended powers. 0000012912 00000 n
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In 2014, the budget of the Competition Authority amounted to €20.7 million, including 16.2 million for staff costs and EUR 4.5 million for operating expenses The technical commission agreements and dominant positionsCreation of the commission by the decree of 9 August 1953Extension of the competence of the technical committee to dominant positionsThe establishment of the Competition Council by the order of December 1, 1986Successive expansion of the powers of the Competition CouncilPossibility of issuing opinions and recommendationsCritique of self-referral to the Competition AuthorityObligation to apply Community competition law in the event of allocation of intra-Community tradeThe insertion of the Competition Authority from the European Competition Network (ECN)The technical commission agreements and dominant positionsCreation of the commission by the decree of 9 August 1953Extension of the competence of the technical committee to dominant positionsThe establishment of the Competition Council by the order of December 1, 1986Successive expansion of the powers of the Competition CouncilPossibility of issuing opinions and recommendationsCritique of self-referral to the Competition AuthorityObligation to apply Community competition law in the event of allocation of intra-Community tradeThe insertion of the Competition Authority from the European Competition Network (ECN) 0000013171 00000 n
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Moreover, the Competition Authority may decide that the decision, in full or in excerpt will be published, distributed or displayed, the cost then being borne by the person concerned.
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