Pour une fois
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US, English Jul 11, 2007 #2 I think "for once" or "for this once" works well.
Time zone: Ainsi, pour une fois dans l'histoire, le mot solidarité aura pris tout son sens. 3
expand_more Thus, for once in history, the word solidarity will have taken on its full meaning.
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North Carolina, USA.
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Jacques Higelin (born Jacques Joseph Victor Higelin on 18 October 1940 in Brou-sur-Chantereine, Seine-et-Marne, France; died 6 April 2018 in Paris) was a French pop singer who rose to promi…
more_vert wildan1 Moderando ma non troppo (French-English, CC Mod) Virginia Piedmont - USA. English Translation of “une (bonne) fois pour toutes” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online.
Loading player… On the other hand, there are many more conjunctive phrases that do express uncertainty and, thus, do require the subjunctive.
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