Hooligans Manchester United
La rivalité entre Leeds United et Manchester United, parfois appelée the Roses rivalry [1], se réfère à l'antagonisme entre deux des principaux clubs de football du Nord de l'Angleterre. By clicking yes you confirm your accept our privacy policy.© Copyright 2020 - Off The Ball LTD. REG #614250 Marconi House, Digges Lane, Dublin 2
Description "I would expect to because word would seep out, [but] United no longer have active hooligans though.
Reports in the Daily Telegraph linked the attack to members of Manchester United's "notorious 'Men in Black' hooligan … Firm members – and the firm itself – are sometimes known as the Men in Black, due to the members dressing in all black clothing. "But there has not been an active hooligan mob and I know who the ['Men in Black'] lads are and I knew last night there wasn't going to be a firm, if you like, going to Manchester City, but inside the ground the atmosphere was vicious. The Red Army is a hooligan firm who follow English football club Manchester United.Although today the term Red Army is used mostly to refer to fans of the club in general, the hooligan firm have been one of the largest firms in British football.
"Commending the stewards and police for their management of 'risk supporters', Andy Mitten remained certain that he would have heard if the reported fan group was involved in the attack on Ed Woodward's home: "I've got to be honest, up to now I've not been told of anyone. "A noted chronicler of the club's history, Andy Mitten is well familiar with this aspect of Manchester United's fringe.
"Within a fanbase as big as Manchester United's, there is more of everything: more disabled supports, more executive supporters, more hooligans. In the mid-1980s, a young man from a tough Manchester estate exploded onto the soccer hooligan scene.
"That group and I knew a lot of them from going to games," he explained, "15 years ago when I went up to [a game against] Rangers in Glasgow there was a mob of maybe 400 Manchester United lads. A reported demonstration of fans' frustration with the mismanagement of United, the house that Woodward lives in with his wife and young children was empty at the time of the attack. "There are fans who think that [this behaviour] is disgraceful," he explained on Thursday's "I know who [the 'Men in Black' are] and I've not been told of anyone who's been to [Ed Woodward's] house the other night. Duration
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